We stand with Orleans Parish Teachers + Demand a Safe Return!

This week, our New Orleans teachers returned to in-person school and in-person work in the midst of a pandemic that continues to rage and the emergence of the new, more contagious COVID-19 variant strain. School employees are working in hazardous conditions without hazard pay or sufficient PPE. Meanwhile, the Superintendent has the audacity to state that “schools continue to be the safest place for our children.” This is cherry picking data to serve a political purposes, and it places lives at stake. Our city’s teachers are standing up against this, and we are standing with them! Show your support for NOLA teachers!

First, contact Orleans Parish School Board members and the Superintendent’s office via email. Here is a sample letter you can use, but we encourage you to use your own words to make it more impactful! You’ll find all of their email addresses copied and pasted below. Email all of these individuals! 

Second, follow and share the NOLA 4 Safe Return Instagram account. Talking points and information about the fight for safe schools can be found there! 

Third, if you are a parent, a school employee, or a student, reach out to people in your school community. Ask your friends and coworkers to sign the NOLA 4 A Safe Return letter. Is there anyone in your community who has experienced person-to-person transmission of COVID-19 in the school setting? Reach out to nola4asafereturn@gmail.com – the teachers want to hear from you! 


DSA New Orleans Local Council

P.S. New to DSA? Check out our chapter’s new member resources here. You can also always email hello@dsaneworleans.org with questions about how to get involved or about the work our chapter is doing. 

P.P.S. Not yet a member? The most important tool that the working class has is organization. We’re strong when we fight together. We have to build a durable, mass political organization to wield the kind of power we need to win real change in our society. If you aren’t a dues-paying member of DSA yet, join here

P.P.P.S. Here are the email addresses to reach the entire Orleans Parish School Board + the Superintendent! Dr. Henderson Lewis, Jr.Superintendent , superintendent@opsb.us Mary Garton, Asst. Supt. of Admin, MGarton@nolapublicschools.com Tiffany Delcour, COO Tiffany_Delcour@nolapublicschools.com District 1: John A. Brown, Sr. – Board_Member1@opsb.us District 2: Ethan Ashley – Board_Member2@opsb.us District 3: Olin G Parker – Board_Member3@opsb.us District 4: Dr. Jancarlos (J.C.) Wagner Romero – Board_Member4@opsb.us District 5: Katherine Baudouin – Board_Member5@opsb.us District 6: Carlos Luis Zervigon – Board_Member6@opsb.us District 7: Nolan Marshall Jr. – Board_Member7@opsb.us