The City Council wants to give us a new corporate leech and a new utility bill to pay, just in time for the holidays.
Tell them in person at the next City Council meeting, THIS THURSDAY at 10AM at City Hall (1400 Perdido St.).
The Council is set to approve the sale of Entergy’s gas network to a private equity firm, Bernhard Capital, and to create an entirely new gas utility and a new bill to pay. Customers can expect to pay at least $3-$12 more per month in the immediate term, with the door open to further hikes after 2 years.
The Council also lied about how this deal would affect the city’s climate and sustainability goals. Bernhard would be exempted from the city’s Renewable Portfolio Standard, which sets a goal of net zero emissions citywide by 2050. In fact, Bernhard has openly stated they plan to expand dirty gas infrastructure to ensure profitability. Instead of acknowledging this, the Council, and Councilmember Moreno in particular, lied and said that creating a new dirty gas utility would “allow us to invest in cleaner, more sustainable energy options.” This is a lie. The deal would lock in and increase dirty gas emissions for the foreseeable future.
If Bernhard can’t expand their infrastructure, ratepayers will see bill increases. And make no mistake: gas is dying, not expanding, no matter what Bernhard says or wants. Utilities are legally guaranteed a certain amount of profit, and the Council is obligated to ensure that utilities see that level of profit. We already know the largest gas customer in the city, the Sewerage and Water Board, will transition to full electrical power, and cut out a huge chunk of Bernhard’s potential profit. That means that the ratepayers will be forced to make up the difference and will see higher bills to ensure Bernhard profits.
The City Council is also trying to rush this through before the holidays while people are distracted. The resolution was announced on a Friday, voted on in committee Monday, and will go to the full Council Thursday. This is not enough time for the public to process and respond to the proposal.
If you are able, please attend the Council Meeting this Thursday at 10AM to voice your opposition in-person. Otherwise, you can contact the councilmembers here.
Local Council
New Orleans DSA