Bylaws of the Political Education Committee
Article 1: Name
The name of this committee shall be the Political Education Committee of the New Orleans Democratic Socialists of America, also known as “the Political Education Committee,” abbreviated as PEC, and referred to in this document as “the committee.”
Article 2: Purpose
This committee was established by the membership of the New Orleans Democratic Socialists of America in a general meeting with the following resolution:
The purpose of this committee is to organize educational events around topics in and around democratic socialism that are of interest to the members of the local. The committee also has a goal of hosting a monthly or quarterly socialist forum open to the community. The committee will also support other committees as they organize educational events around their focus areas.
In addition to events, the committee will also create educational resources pertaining to topics in and around democratic socialism.
Article 3: Organization
Section I: Voting
Unless otherwise specified in these bylaws, the deliberative body of the committee shall be the members of the committee meeting, in whole or in part, at a standing or special meeting. Majority vote is defined as 50% + 1 of members in attendance unless otherwise noted. ⅔ vote is defined as ⅔ of members in attendance unless otherwise noted.
Section II: Meetings
The committee shall meet once a month, on a schedule established by a majority vote of the committee.
The committee may, by majority vote, schedule a special meeting on a topic.
Section III: Quorums
Unless otherwise specified by the bylaws, quorum of the committee will be the greater of (a) 5 members or (b) a number of members equal to 50% the number of members on the committee active membership roll.
Section IV: Proxy Voting
A member may vote by proxy by notifying a Co-Chair in advance. Proxy votes shall not be counted for quorum.
Section V: Virtual Meetings
The committee may conduct meetings in person or through electronic communication such as a voice conference line. Votes in virtual (non-in-person) meetings will be handled by roll call voting.
Article 4: Membership
Section I: Members
Members of the New Orleans DSA shall be members of the committee.
Section II: Committee Active Membership Roll
The “active membership roll” shall be defined as all members who have attended the meeting in session, or at least 1 of the prior 2 meetings.
Article 5: Officers
Section I: Elections
Elections for committee officers will be held in the first standing meeting of each September.
In the event of an officer vacancy, an election will be held at the next standing meeting which falls at least two weeks after the vacancy occurs.
Nominations for officer election (whether for scheduled election or election due to vacancy) shall be made to the presiding Co-Chairs of the committee, in writing, at least one week before the standing meeting when the election will occur. Any member may nominate a member as candidate for any committee officer position. A member may nominate themselves.
Section II: Co-Chairs
The committee shall have two Co-Chairs. The Co-Chairs shall preside over all meetings of the committee. The Co-Chairs are responsible for the general direction and management of the committee. They will also interpret the bylaws and parliamentary law for the committee. The co-chairs will be responsible for taking roll at each meeting to determine the membership roll.
Section III: Committee Steward
The committee shall elect a Committee Steward. The Committee Steward shall fulfill the responsibilities of Stewards as outlined in the Bylaws of the New Orleans Democratic Socialists of America. The Committee Steward may also serve as a Co-Chair of the committee for the same or overlapping term.
Section IV: Recalling Officers
The committee may recall an officer by (1) calling a special meeting on the question of recalling the officer with at least two weeks of advance notification to the members of the committee and (2) obtaining a ⅔ vote at the special meeting in favor of recall. A recalled officer may not serve as an officer for one full year.
Section V: Co-Chair Disagreements
Disagreements between the Co-Chairs that cannot be resolved by the Co-Chairs shall be put in front of the committee at the soonest opportunity and will be resolved by a vote of the committee.
Article 6: Amendments
Amendments to these bylaws made be made by a ⅔ vote in a standing meeting.
Article 7: Rules of Order
Business of the committee will be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order, or Progressive Stack.