Hey Comrades!
Election Day is this coming TUESDAY and we need all hands on deck to finish strong for our endorsed candidates, Devin Davis for Congress and Gabriela Biro for School Board. Can you pitch in this weekend or volunteer on election day?
ELECTION DAY VOLUNTEERING FOR DEVIN DAVIS: We will need people making calls, knocking doors, dropping lit and waving signs for Devin ALL DAY on Tuesday. To sign up for election day volunteers and let us know your availability, fill out the form here.
VOLUNTEERING FOR GABRIELA BIRO: Sign up to volunteer for Gabriela here. Gabriela will be canvassing Saturday morning and is coordinating volunteers in her WhatsApp group, which you can join here. You can also reach out to Gabriela directly in the chapter Signal.
We have some events over the weekend to check out:
TOMORROW: DEVIN DAVIS GUMBO & SNOBALLS SOCIAL: Come down to Devin’s campaign office at 1024 Elysian Fields Ave. this Saturday afternoon at 12:30PM to enjoy homemade gumbo & snoballs, the perfect combination for Louisiana fall weather.
SUNDAY: COFFEE WITH COMRADES: Spend Sunday morning hanging out with your DSA comrades and our member-candidates Devin Davis and Gabriela Biro and check in on the campaigns over some coffees in the backyard at Coffee Science (410 S. Broad St.) this Sunday at 11AM.
We hope to see you out there getting the word out for two of our incredible comrades ahead of this election!
Solidarity forever,
New Orleans DSA Local Council