How should Louisiana socialists engage with electoral politics?

At our September General Meeting, we held a rousing debate and discussion about how our chapter should engage with electoral politics and state power. As a chapter, we voted to form an Electoral Politics Working Group, which will be housed under our longstanding Municipal Action Committee.

As part of their formation, the EPWG argued that whoever holds legislative power affects the possibilities for social change. EPWG also recognizes that, for many people who are open to socialist politics, their first experience with progressive and leftist ideas comes through electoral politics. EPWG is committed to establishing an openly democratic socialist presence in Louisiana politics. They will develop strategies for building working class power and redistributive politics in the electoral arena. They will support chapter efforts to develop and run candidates for office.

Electoral Politics Working Group meetings are held every other Sunday at 2 PM and are open to all. Check the calendar for the next meeting and the call-in information!