NOLA DSA Played Critical Role at National Convention

On Aug. 1-4, five DSA New Orleans delegates (Michael E, Sue M, Josh L, Frances G, and Jordan F) attended perhaps the largest gathering of organized socialists in at least a generation to help write new bylaws, define a new vision and chart the course forward for the country’s largest socialist organization.

National Convention meets every two years and is the highest governing body in national DSA. This year there were over 1,000 delegates from 139 chapters across the country, and the only body able to take up changes to the national constitution and bylaws. (See a full list of all Resolutions and Constitution & Bylaw Amendments here.)

New Orleans DSA members also contributed to a number of resolutions debated and passed on the convention floor: Jordan F. contributed to a growth and diversity resolution, DSA100K, with the goal of reaching 100,000 members nationwide by 2021; Logan Y. contributed to a resolution that made providing childcare at chapter meetings a national priority; Emmanuel S. contributed to a resolution creating a multifaceted approach to organizing labor within the national Democratic Socialist Labor Committee; and Morgan D. contributed to a new resolution directing the International Committee to build relationships with leftist organizations around the world, particularly in Central and South America.

New Orleans DSA Healthcare Committee co-Chair Frances G. was appointed to lead the national Medicare for All Organizing subcommittee.

The national convention also continued the existing national priorities and added new ones: Ecosocialist Green New Deal, Medicare For All, our National Electoral Strategy, Labor, Childcare, Housing, Decarceration,, Political Education, Grassroots Fundraising, College for All, and National Growth and Development.

In addition to formal business, the convention included speeches from Sara Nelson, president of the National Flight Attendants Union, and Linda Sarsour, activist and organizers of the 2017 women’s march. This is the largest gathering of DSA since its incredible growth throughout 2017 and over 40 elected socialists from around the country sat on a panel and fielded questions from the press.

This convention was evidence that our movement is strong, serious, and beginning to build power. Delegates engaged in informed political debate about the direction of our organization and movement. Moving forward, New Orleans DSA will continue to build on the connections we made with comrades across the South and begin to work with them in closer coordination.