The 2020 Voter Guide: Runoff Supplement Is Here!

Hi Everyone, 

Our December 5th Run Off Voter Guide is officially here!

The introduction to this guide serves as a perfect update for the week, so we’ll give you a sneak peak here: “And then there were a few. We need not re-hash in this space the many exhausting frustrations of the year 2020 itself, let alone its seemingly interminable election cycle. Instead we can only offer the comforting reminder that this particular phase of the ordeal will soon reach its conclusion. And then we will breathe. For a moment, anyway, before it is time to get back to building the better world we want to see. It may not feel like it now but the work you have put in this year, however small or large, will help us get to where we need to be. For members of New Orleans DSA, it’s pretty easy to find a few highlights. Our national organization just recruited more than 12,000 members in six weeks, and our chapter was one of the top recruiters.

In the weeks since, our “No on 2” coalition campaign to save the libraries has brought in dozens of new organizers. It’s not just numbers we need, although we do need them, it’s also the political development that happens when someone actually gets to be a part of democracy for the first time (and no, we don’t mean just voting in municipal elections). Our new members are learning about how to target which voters to canvass, how to persuade a friend to get involved, and the complex relationships, obscure to many, that divide a winning campaign from a loss. It’s natural for novice organizers to stumble or feel humbled by first steps into seizing collective power.

With every season, we gain more people, more insight, and more paths to a better world. But before that, there are a few matters to wrap up. And so it is time again to focus. Runoff elections have lower turnouts than other races, which often makes it easier for incumbents and political insiders to win. But, that also means, it only takes a little motivation and organizing to mount up and push back. In the December runoffs, voters have a chance to push back against the establishment powers that keep us down. Our mayor, along with corporations that seek profit and control at the cost of public well-being, have shown us their intentions on this ballot. They want to slow down changes to our criminal punishment system.They want to keep corporate-controlled charter-friendly candidates on school boards. They want to cut funding for valuable public institutions and hand it over to charlatans and gentrifiers. They want to halt our state’s movement towards alternative energy. We don’t have to let them get away with that. We urge you to vote in this election, to pick a reformer for DA, to preserve funding for our libraries, to elect a Public Service Commissioner who will help us move to greener energy, and to vote for school board candidates who will fight for our communities.” 

Our campaigns, such as our fight to save the library, exist through the effort of our membership. There are so many ways to plug in to our work and our decision making process in New Orleans DSA, but one area we are specifically recruiting to at the moment is our communications group. If you’re interested in internal and external chapter communications, like social media, writing, graphic design, or website development – join New Orleans DSA Communications Team! 

Lastly, considering our recent boost in membership, we want to check in to make sure that our General Meeting time is accessible. If you have input, you can fill out this form. 

Solidarity, DSA New Orleans Local Council

How should Louisiana socialists engage with electoral politics?

At our September General Meeting, we held a rousing debate and discussion about how our chapter should engage with electoral politics and state power. As a chapter, we voted to form an Electoral Politics Working Group, which will be housed under our longstanding Municipal Action Committee.

As part of their formation, the EPWG argued that whoever holds legislative power affects the possibilities for social change. EPWG also recognizes that, for many people who are open to socialist politics, their first experience with progressive and leftist ideas comes through electoral politics. EPWG is committed to establishing an openly democratic socialist presence in Louisiana politics. They will develop strategies for building working class power and redistributive politics in the electoral arena. They will support chapter efforts to develop and run candidates for office.

Electoral Politics Working Group meetings are held every other Sunday at 2 PM and are open to all. Check the calendar for the next meeting and the call-in information!

2000 New Members in a Week?! #DSA100K

Hi everyone,

Last week, the Democratic Socialists of America launched the DSA100K recruitment drive – an ambitious attempt to recruit 5000 new members in the next 5 weeks. This is the first major recruitment drive our organization has ever run, and it’s going extremely well. In the first week, DSA grew by over 2000 dues-paying members: the fastest period of growth the organization has ever seen. In the past, we’ve seen big membership spikes when big news breaks, like when Alexandria Ocasio Cortez won her primary in New York. This recruitment drive success is even better than that, because this shows us that organizing works: making direct asks of our friends, family members, coworkers, and neighbors to join our political project gets results.

Have you signed the 100K pledge yet? You can do so here! Recruit three members to DSA and not only will you build working class power, you’ll get a cool pink hat! Once you’ve signed the pledge, generate your unique join link here. 

The most important tool that the working class has is organization. We’re strong when we fight together. We have to build a durable, mass political organization to wield the kind of power we need to win real change in our society. If you aren’t a dues-paying member of DSA yet, join hereAlso, not to brag, but New Orleans DSA is #3 in the country in recruitment numbers right now. Let’s keep that lead going! 

Lastly, if you speak Spanish and would be interested in helping translate some of our externally facing chapter materials into Spanish, please reach out to! We have also been doing weekly voter registration events, and we’d love to train some more Spanish-speaking volunteers in voter registration.


DSA New Orleans Local Council

August General Meeting is This Saturday!

Our August General Meeting is this Saturday at 2 PM! This is the most important meeting of each month – the meeting where we put the small ‘d’ in democratic socialism. This is when we bring the whole chapter membership together and make decisions about how to move forward as a chapter. Do you have an idea for a project that the chapter should take on or a campaign that you’d like to see us get involved in? The General Meeting is where those ideas can be discussed and voted on by the whole membership. Email to submit a proposal or to find out more information about how to do so! 

At this month’s General Meeting, we will elect a delegate to the Green New Deal Strategy Summit, discuss how to structure our chapter’s abolition work, and consider other proposals being submitted by members like yourself! Join us – register for the call here!

Are you a teacher or a parent? Or are you concerned about ensuring a safe return to school for the teachers, parents, and students in your life? We are hosting a Safe Schools Panel with teachers from Jefferson Parish on Monday the 17th @ 7 PM. Join the call to get connected with other teachers and parents in our chapter and beyond!

Also, the DSA Municipal Action Committee has begun our work on a voter guide for the coming November elections, but we need more researchers, especially those with knowledge of Plaquemines, St. Bernard and Jefferson parishes, and local school or judicial systems. That being said, you do not need any experience or special knowledge to help with this project, it’s a collaborative effort between a group of people. To join the project, please fill out this form and we will get back to you. Our next Zoom meeting will be 8/27, and you can register for that call here (password: MAC). 

Lastly, on Wednesday the 19th at 10:00 AM the Louisiana House and Governmental Affairs Committee will meet to discuss if the threat of coronavirus in November will be enough to warrant an emergency voting plan, and if so what that plan should look like. Mail-in ballots are currently allowed for voters with especially high risks from COVID-19, but not for all residents. State Republicans have blocked past measures to make voting safer. To contact our state government and announce your support for an extended period of early voting and universal mail-in voting, you can email the H & GA Committee at h& and LA Secretary of State Ardoin online here or by phone at 225.922.2880.

See you on Saturday! Register for the General Meeting here.


Local Council
New Orleans DSA

P.S. New to DSA? Check out our chapter’s new member resources here. You can always email with questions about how to get involved or about the work our chapter is doing. 

We Oppose the Hiring of Peter Bowen!

Hi everyone,

Last week, City Hall announced plans to hire Peter Bowen as a new Deputy Chief Administrative Officer (DCAO) in charge of the city’s land use. They will also expand the duties of the job, creating a new agency, the Office of Business and External Services (OBES), a project of Gilberto Montaño, the city’s Chief Administrative Officer.

The OBES will include the regulatory agencies already under the leadership of the DCAO and add agencies in charge of economic development and buying, selling and leasing city-owned land.

Bowen is a former general manager for Sonder, a short-term rental company that became the largest operator of STRs in New Orleans in 2018. Bowen fought against regulation for the STR industry and “blitz scaled the New Orleans market for Sonder from launch to 1,000 apartments (2,500 rooms) in under 36 months” (from his application for the DCAO position). 

The last DCAO left the position in the wake of scandals based around big business dodging city regulation. A building inspector was indicted on taking $65,000 in bribes, and two building inspectors were suspended for falsely claiming multiple inspections of the Hard Rock Hotel on Canal St.

City Hall has failed in its duties to regulate the STR industry, and appointing an STR exec to a powerful regulatory job makes it even more clear that our city government is catering to corporations at the expense of New Orleans locals. The needs of our city residents come before the profits of wealthy developers, especially during an economic crisis and looming mass evictions.

We oppose the hiring of Peter Bowen as a DCAO for the city and the creation of the OBES. We demand Gilberto Montaño step down as CAO and for City Hall to make good on its promise to regulate the STR industry fairly. Take action – send a email to City Hall officials today and sign our petition here!

Are you interested in getting involved in this campaign to oppose the hiring of Peter Bowen? Email to get connected with a leader from our Municipal Action Committee or come out to one of our upcoming events

What’s next? Join our our next Local Council meeting, TONIGHT at 6:30 (register here). This is the monthly meeting of our chapter’s leadership body, and everyone is welcome to attend these meetings. And put the August General Meeting, which will be on August 22nd at 2 PM, in your calendar today! General Meetings are held monthly. These are the largest meetings of the General Membership (that’s you!) each month, and this is where the entire chapter membership makes collective decisions on how to move forward. If you can only make one meeting a month, a General Meeting is the place to start! 


Local Council
New Orleans DSA

P.S. New to DSA? Check out our chapter’s new member resources here. You can always email with questions about how to get involved or about the work our chapter is doing. 

P.P.S. Here are the full minutes from our chapter’s annual convention last week

This Weekend, We Finished Our 2020 Local Convention!

Hi everyone,

This weekend, our chapter wrapped up our 2020 Local Convention. This year’s Convention was split into two meetings, one for elections, which was completed last month, and one for political resolutions and bylaw amendments, which was this last Saturday. Over the weekend, we tackled a daunting agenda with 19 proposals, each with different solutions for addressing the structure and guiding the political direction of our chapter. This was by far the highest number of proposals we’ve ever considered at Convention. We had great debate and minimal technical difficulties. Well done everyone, and HUGE thanks to our Convention Committee for organizing our first entirely online Convention! 

Full minutes for the Convention meeting will be ready soon, but in the meantime, you can find a list of the proposals we considered and the results of the final votes here. Among other things, we voted to prioritize organizing towards abolition in Orleans and surrounding parishes, formalize our committee and working group structures within the chapter, and implement chapter-wide assessments for developing new projects. We also approved our General Meeting schedule for 2020-2021. Check it out here, and put these dates in your calendar! 

Are you interested in getting involved in making the proposals we passed this weekend a reality? Email to get connected with a New Orleans DSA leader, or come out to one of our upcoming events

What’s next? Join our our next Local Council meeting, on August 3rd at 6:30 (register here). This is the monthly meeting of our chapter’s leadership body, and everyone is welcome to attend these meetings. And put the August General Meeting, which will be on August 22nd at 2 PM, in your calendar today! General Meetings are held monthly. These are the largest meetings of the General Membership (that’s you!) each month, and this is where the entire chapter membership makes collective decisions on how to move forward. If you can only make one meeting a month, a General Meeting is the place to start! 


Local Council
New Orleans DSA

P.S. New to DSA? Check out our chapter’s new member resources here. You can always email with questions about how to get involved or about the work our chapter is doing. 

Chapter’s New Leaders Look to the Future

DSA New Orleans’ first majority-online elections swept in a wave of new officers last week. New Co-Chairs Frances G. and Benjamin H. and Membership Chair Sean D. said their top priorities include finalizing a code of conduct, expanding and engaging the general membership, and empowering members.

Other election winners were:

  • Secretary: Lori D.
  • Treasurer: James P.
  • At-large Members: Nadia E. & Andrew S.
  • Treasurer Trustee: Alli D.

“Even though this is a really challenging time within our chapter and outside, it’s also a moment of incredible opportunity,” said Frances, who’s served in the past as Health Care Committee Chair and chapter Secretary. “I want to see as much work and decision-making as possible done by the general membership, with the Local Council facilitating.”

Benjamin, the Direct Service Committee Steward, agreed that empowering members should be a top goal of the new Local Council, along with building formal processes for identifying and developing leaders.

“We’ve already created an environment where you can come in green and learn how to be a solid organizer and leader, but we should do some formalizing of that process,” he said.

To that end, Sean suggested building/formalizing positions within a Membership Committee that engage and motivate new members, including membership trustee, mobilizing team head, and social organizer.

“Membership isn’t built top-down. Membership is grown when people make those connections one-on-one. The biggest thing we can do is to provide spaces where people can meet and exchange ideas,” said Sean, who has experience organizing with the Interfaith Prayer Vigil and as an internal mobilizer on the chapter’s City Waste Working Group.

All three of the chapter’s new top leaders identified a lack of diversity among the leadership as a critical obstacle in the coming year. 

 “We have to figure out structural solutions to these systemic structural problems,” Frances said. “We have to do externally-facing work that puts us in the trenches with other working-class organizations alongside black- and brown-led organizations.”

Benjamin said he wants to work quickly on establishing a long-term defund and disarm the police campaign that would engage the entire chapter in anti-racism work.

“Can we claw back the funds that the city is putting into reactive, racist policies and put them toward health justice or a green new deal or housing justice?” he asked.

Educating new members on the chapter’s politics by creating a political program would be a critical goal for Sean in the coming months.

“It’s one thing to provide a space for people to learn, but if we don’t have a framework to work with it, we can lose sight of where we stand as democratic socialists,” he said. “The membership political spectrum can vary as far as Marxist to Anarchist, so we need to clearly define and come to a consensus on our chapter values”

Frances had her eyes on a large-scale political campaign: a City Council seat in 2021. 

“Even a long-shot campaign would still solidify our knowledge base and get us out there more,” she said. “In any campaign, we can drag the whole thing to the left by staking out further leftward positions.”

How Can I Help?

Message Frances, Benjamin, Sean, or any of the chapter’s officers on Slack with questions and suggestions, or email to reach us!

Local Convention & Chapter Officer Elections Coming Soon

It is almost time for New Orleans DSA’s annual Convention, our largest meeting each year. Due to social distancing measures related to the pandemic, we will be holding this important gathering online through Zoom. Though it will not be the same as convening in person, we are doing our best to replicate all aspects of the Convention and provide all of our members the resources they need to participate.

Save the Dates
We will hold Convention in two parts:

Saturday, June 27th, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. CST
State of the Chapter presentation
Annual Treasurer’s Report
Candidate Statements + Voting

Saturday, July 25th, 2 p.m. CST
Discuss and vote on proposed Bylaw Amendments and Political Resolutions

These members have accepted their nominations to run for officers of the Local Council. (Read descriptions of each position here).

At-Large Members:  Nadia J. & Andrew S.
Co-Chair: Alec D., Frances G. & Benjamin H.
Membership Chair: Sean D. & Amanda S.
Secretary: Lori DG. & Zack D.
Treasurer: James P.
Treasurer Trustee: Alli DJ. & Bill M.

How to Vote
We will be using the online voting platform Opavote [read our guide]. You do not have to register an account to use this platform, but you must be a member in good standing with National DSA in order to vote. That means that you are up to date with your national dues. 

If you are not a member, why not take this opportunity to officially join DSA and have a say in our election? 

This year, we will hold an open voting period that begins on June 27th and runs to 5 p.m. on Friday, July 3rd in order to accept ballots by mail. This is the first year we are offering mail-in ballots as an option. We will mail election packets with candidate information and the ballots to all members.

If you do not need or want a mail-in ballot, please fill out this quick form. You can also update your mailing address through this form. Opting-opt will allow us to reduce the number of packets we need to print and mail, so please consider this!

Hear from the Candidates
The candidates are allowed to campaign any way they choose, but our chapter is providing a few opportunities for them to introduce themselves and present their platform. Written candidate statements will be posted on the chapter website, emailed to members, and included in the mailed election packet. We are also holding a Candidate Forum in a Q&A panel style the week before the election (time and date TBD). 

If you have a question for the candidates, you can submit it here or email

Open Call for Bylaw Amendments & Political Resolutions 
Finally, we are accepting proposals for bylaw amendments and political resolutions to consider and vote on during the July 25th portion of Convention. Bylaw amendments add, remove, or alter the text of our chapter’s bylaws. Political resolutions are the same type of document we typically vote on during General Meetings. We will provide more information about this process in the coming weeks, but you can read about how to write a resolution here.

Amendments and resolutions must be submitted to by members in good standing by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, July 12th.

If you have any questions, please email us!

Thanks & Solidarity,

The 2020 Election Committee
New Orleans Democratic Socialists of America

Socialists Must Fight to Defund the Police

On June 3rd, the New Orleans Police Department used chemical weapons (teargas) and rubber bullets against peaceful protestors marching on the Crescent City Connection bridge to the West Bank. This comes after the previous night of protests (6/2), when NOPD tried to play us by taking a knee as protesters lined up to block I-10, only to turn around and use force the next evening, in a situation with children present. The use of teargas over the CCC bridge could have ended with protestors falling off the bridge. NOPD must be held accountable for their dangerous, life-threatening actions.

Over the last several years, Black uprisings against the police in cities across the country have advanced popular understanding of policing and prisons. We have seen police departments across the country attempt to implement “reforms” like de-escalation training, community police boards, and requiring police to wear body cameras. These reforms have not proven to be effective, as Black men, women and children are still dying at the hands of cops. Here in southeast Louisiana, the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office and Kenner Police have been responsible for the deaths of many Black people in recent years, including Modesto Reyes, Keeven Robinson, Chris Joseph, Daviri Robertson, Armond Jairon Brown, Desmond Willis, and others.

Eric Garner was killed by the New York Police Department nearly six years ago. His death, and his final words, “I can’t breathe,” were captured with irrefutable video evidence. Yet his murderers were not held to account. Police violence has been captured on video for decades now with few consequences.

It is not the job of socialist workers to stand back and watch the uprisings re-shaping our political system and society. We do not merely provide commentary on the Rebellion taking place across the nation in reaction to police murder. We are working class organizers. These are the questions we need to be asking ourselves now: how can we support and sustain the spirit, the leadership of the Black rebellion? What steps must we take to end racist police violence?

The vague, liberal promise of “community policing” and “bias training” are not enough. They misunderstand the nature of the problem. We cannot sensitivity train the institutionalized racism and violence of the policing system out of existence. We must fight to reduce police interventions and to eliminate access to riot gear and weapons of war police use to terrorize our communities. Police officers are treated like general first responders, called for all emergency situations, even though they are an ultra-militarized force trained to arrest, shoot and kill. When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. We must fight to defund and disarm the police.

Currently, 30% of New Orleans’ city budget is spent on policing. That does not include the costs of Orleans Parish Prison, a notoriously unsafe, violent institution. What could we do with that money? How many childcare providers, educators, and social workers could we employ? How many youth after-school programs could we fund? How many emergency first responders, trained to safely address mental health crises, could we put to work?

As socialists who struggle for the liberation of Black, brown, Indigenous communities and all oppressed peoples in our society, we must ORGANIZE for real working class solutions. Do not let yourself be lulled into a sense of complacency by copaganda and liberal half-answers to the institutionalized state violence.

Disarm the police. Defund the police.