Discourse Digest: DSA and Bernie 2020

Discourse Digest is a new monthly web series published by the New Orleans DSA Political Education Committee. Each entry of Discourse Digest highlights a strategic or programmatic question facing DSA and the broader left, and charts arguments and counterarguments comprising the body of discourse.

Aaron Ontiveroz/The Denver Post via Getty Images

Q: How should DSA orient itself to the US presidential election in 2020? What role, if any, should DSA play in a possible Bernie Sanders campaign?

Part I: Bernie versus the Dem primary field of candidates

“It’s Time for the Left to Unite Behind Bernie 2020” by Briahna Gray; published in In These Times on Oct 2, 2018.
“Think Bernie and Warren are the same? They aren’t” by Bhaskar Sunkara; published in The Guardian on Oct 23, 2018. Read time: 5 minutes.
“12 Theses on the Election” by Leo Casey; published on the DSA North Star Caucus blog on Jan 7, 2019. Read time: 3 minutes.
“It’s Bernie, Bitch” by Amber A’lee Frost; published in The Baffler on Jan 11, 2019. Read time: 10 minutes.

Part II: DSA and Bernie 2020

“NYC-DSA Should Wait on Supporting Sanders 2020” by Charlotte A; published on the NYC-DSA chapter blog on May 16, 2018.
“NYC-DSA Should Plan for a 2020 Sanders Presidential Campaign” by Neil Meyer; published on the NYC-DSA chapter blog on May 16, 2018.
“The Case for Bernie 2020” by Neil Meyer and Ben B; published in The Call on Aug 16, 2018.
“The Inside-Outside Approach to Bernie 2020” by Peter Frase; published in In These Times on Oct 2, 2018.
“Debating ‘The Case for Bernie 2020′” by Charlie Post; published in Socialist Worker on Oct 16, 2018.
“East Bay DSA Should Hit the Ground Running on Bernie 2020” by Meagan Day; published on Medium on November 28, 2018.

Discourse Digest: Race, Class, & DSA

Discourse Digest is a new monthly web series published by the New Orleans DSA Political Education Committee. Each entry of Discourse Digest highlights a strategic or programmatic question facing DSA and the broader left, and charts arguments and counterarguments.


“The Identity Mistake” by Melissa Naschek; published in Jacobin on August 28, 2018. Read time: 14 minutes.
“Zombie Manifesto” by Asad Haider; published on the Verso blog on September 1, 2018. Read time: 26 minutes.
“Race, Class, and Socialist Strategy” by Jeremy Gong and Eric Blanc; published in The Call on August 30, 2018. Read time: 13 minutes.
“The Mistaken Universalism” by R.L. Stephens; published in The DSA Weekly on September 4, 2018. Read time: 12 minutes.
“Do America’s Socialists Have A Race Problem?” by Miguel Salazar; published in The New Republic on Dec 20, 2018. Read time: 17 minutes.
“Which Side Are You On?” by Adolph Reed Jr.; published in Common Dreams on Dec 23, 2018. Read time: 14 minutes.

Four-part series by Mike McNair; published in The Weekly Worker
— Part I: “Intersectionality Is a Dead End”, June 7, 2018. Read time: 18 minutes.
— Part II: “Race & Class”, June 24, 2018. Read time: 23 minutes.
— Part III: “Mistaken Versions of Maoism”, June 28, 2018. Read time: 23 minutes.
— Part IV: “Getting Beyond Capitalism”, July 5, 2018. Read time: 20 minutes.

Discourse Digest: Race, Class, & DSA

Discourse Digest is a new monthly web series published by the New Orleans DSA Political Education Committee. Each entry of Discourse Digest highlights a strategic or programmatic question facing DSA and the broader left, and charts arguments and counterarguments.


“The Identity Mistake” by Melissa Naschek; published in Jacobin on August 28, 2018. Read time: 14 minutes.
“Zombie Manifesto” by Asad Haider; published on the Verso blog on September 1, 2018. Read time: 26 minutes.
“Race, Class, and Socialist Strategy” by Jeremy Gong and Eric Blanc; published in The Call on August 30, 2018. Read time: 13 minutes.
“The Mistaken Universalism” by R.L. Stephens; published in The DSA Weekly on September 4, 2018. Read time: 12 minutes.
“Do America’s Socialists Have A Race Problem?” by Miguel Salazar; published in The New Republic on Dec 20, 2018. Read time: 17 minutes.
“Which Side Are You On?” by Adolph Reed Jr.; published in Common Dreams on Dec 23, 2018. Read time: 14 minutes.

Four-part series by Mike McNair; published in The Weekly Worker
— Part I: “Intersectionality Is a Dead End”, June 7, 2018. Read time: 18 minutes.
— Part II: “Race & Class”, June 24, 2018. Read time: 23 minutes.
— Part III: “Mistaken Versions of Maoism”, June 28, 2018. Read time: 23 minutes.
— Part IV: “Getting Beyond Capitalism”, July 5, 2018. Read time: 20 minutes.