New Orleans DSA members stand with striking Chicago educators!

In October, New Orleans DSA sent members up to Chicago to join the 35,000 teachers and education workers who are on strike for their students. They are members of Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) and SEIU Local 73, and their demands include a nurse and social worker in every school, reduced class sizes, and fair pay for support staff.

Blanca Estevez, of Northwest Arkansas DSA and the DSA National Political Committee, helps bag up lunches for Chicago students

DSA joins Mississippi UAW Workers on Strike!

All across the US, nearly 50,000 workers at General Motors plants represented by United Auto Workers union (UAW) are out on strike to demand dignity and justice on the job. DSA members from Texas to Pennsylvania have joined their picket lines to show support for the workers in their battle against the GM bosses.

This week, New Orleans DSA are sending members out on Wednesday and Friday to walk the picket line with striking workers in Brandon, MS. When asked what our members could bring to show our support, one UAW union member said, “Bring your fighting spirit … I want us to be seen. There is strength in numbers.” We are proud to stand with workers from New Orleans to Mississippi!

Read more about the UAW strike and the workers’ demands here.

An Election & New Year for Labor Standing Committee

By Alec D.

On Wednesday 18th of September 2019, DSA New Orleans Labor Standing Committee (LSC) held its monthly meeting. This was more than a standard meeting as the committee was electing its new leadership for the year ahead. Furthermore, committee members were greeted with pizza and drinks. The meeting was well attended as more than 15 members came out, but we must keep growing to demand better conditions for all the workers of Greater New Orleans. 
